All officials are required to have a background screening completed through our Region. This can all be completed as part of the registering process.
You will have to electronically register with the Hoosier Region of USA Volleyball. Registration is $60.00 and then $20.00 for background screening. Background screenings are good for two years, if you had one completed last year you do not need to have another one completed until next year. You may pay by credit card during registration or to pay by check indicate during registration you will defer payment. (Screens and memberships are not processed until your payment is received). Send checks for $80.00 (membership + screen fee) or $60.00 – checks should be made out to Hoosier Region VBA .
If you are not already you must also be Safe Sport certified in order to receive your 2017-18 license, please contact Michael Brandon for details.
Send the check to:
Joan L. Stemm, Registrar
Hoosier Region Volleyball Assoc.,Inc
52428 Winding Waters Lane
Elkhart, IN. 46514-5725
For more information, contact Terry Sweasy, referee chair. Click here for contact information.
To become a certified Hoosier Region/USAV Provisional scorekeeper, you must:
The following additional rules apply to provisional scorekeepers:
To become certified or re-certified as a Regional scorekeeper, a candidate must:
All Junior National and National referees are required to be at least Regional Scorekeeper certified.
The Hoosier Region offers a special region certification for junior players. This is a region certification only; it will be accepted at Hoosier Region events but not at events in other regions. This certification is good for two years.
Below are links to rating sheets for both Junior R2 certification and Junior Scorekeeping.
We suggest that at least two players from each team in your club be certified. Once the players who are to be certified have received appropriate training, they can take a copy of the rating sheet with them to their next tournament. When it is time for their team to officiate, they can give the rating sheet to the official working that match. That official will then rate them during the match they are working. We will be instructing officials during our region officiating clinics that they are to take the time to rate the junior player.
After the rating has taken place, the official will give the form back to the player. The club director or the coach then needs to send the rating sheet to Terry Sweasy. Please send several at a time. A master list will be kept of all junior players who have been certified.
For this to work, club directors must commit to training players on the proper techniques for R2 officiating and the correct way to keep score. We have developed a presentation (on CD) covering line judging, R2, and scorekeeping that can be purchased for $10. The CD can be used by you to train your players. Contact either Terry Sweasy or Rod Rodriguez to purchase the CD.
You can also hire a certified official to come in and train your players. This would be a contract between you and the official. Neither the Hoosier Region nor the referee and scorekeeper chairs will be involved in this process.
Officiating is a part of the game for junior players. Club directors and coaches must ensure that players are committed to doing a good job when they are required to assist in officiating a match.